Tuesday, February 08, 2005

Further Delay

We received word that the judge who handles adoption requests for IGAA is going on vacation. And for Russians, vacation is "always" a month!

What this means is that Scott and Terisa Clark's adoption court date will be delayed at least another month. The judge will have to return from vacation before the court date can be set. So we will not know when we are going to Russia until the middle of March at the earliest.

The only possible alternative scenario is that the court clerk MAY assign the case to another judge. This is unlikely, we are told.

So, please keep praying for God's timing and for our patience. We are really anxious to go see Yulia and Gena! And we are heartbroken that we cannot see them for at least another month.

In the mean time, we are working over-time to complete our dossier and get our home study done. If we are able to hand-carry our dossier to Russia when we go, it will help to expedite the adoption. So pray that we can complete it, and pray that the resources will come in to cover the costs of filing the dossier (about $4000).

We deeply appreciate everyone's prayers and good thoughts!


Glen and Cyndy


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