Tuesday, January 10, 2006

Life at the Haworth House

Well, things are still going very well! Cyndy's parents, Morgan and Joan Brainerd are here, along with Beth Hallock (her sister) and Tammy Berry (our neice) and her 3 year old, William. Jessica and Sam are enjoying the company and relating very well with everyone. English is coming along, slowly. With company they are not having much time to work Rosetta Stone, however.

Jessica is jumping rope and jogging quite frequently, trying to get/stay in shape. Sam (who is already a bean pole!) is playing any game he can get anyone else to play, including basketball. He wants to play volleyball, but we don't have that ability. So we'll have to find a park with a volleyball court, I guess!

Anyway, not a lot to tell you except that your prayers are working and we are becoming a family! We are bonding. Keep praying that this process will continue.


The Haworths


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