On Vacation
We are currently in Texas on vacation, visiting our best friends, the Clarks, in Houston. Glen is also attending a church conference in Houston as a part of his continuing education activities.
Update. Jessica and Sam have been to the dentist! The good news is that we have dental insurance. The bad news is that it is going to cost us something near $10,000 OVER what insurance covers in order to get their teeth fixed! Oh-my-God! They need everything from teeth pulled to root canals, including having to have some root canals redone that were done poorly previously. And this does not include any orthodontics! We are absolutely sure that God has called us to adopt these two precious kids, so we are just waiting to see how God will provide what is needed for them! Thank you for your prayers!
Jessica went to the opthalmologist a couple of weeks ago. He does not recommend surgery at this time because the damage to her eye from early childhood does not seem to be impeding her vision. The cateract is also not currently a problem, but may grow to become one. The real problem is that because of her eye damage, her brain has not developed the ability to fuse vision from both of her eyes. And, apparently, the brain cannot develop this ability after early childhood. So she will never be able to see out of both eyes at the same time. What her brain does is use her good eye most of the time, and only switches to her right eye when her left is blocked. So, even if we correct her right eye's problems, it probably will not improve her vision signficantly. Right now she sees 20/20 out of her left eye and 20/30 out of her right. So we are just on hold with this, but no surgery and probably not even glasses/contacts for now.
They are both continuing their work in school. Jessica is doing very well, and Sam is doing ok. We had parent/teacher night the other night, but I think I'll let Cyndy write about that!
Below are some pictures from my cell phone camera as we drove to Texas (a 24 hour drive, straight through with Cyndy and me sharing the driving)! We're here for a week for a family vacation (the kids are on Spring Break) and so I can attend a conference at Winsor Village UMC in Houston (see http://www.kingdombuilder.com/templates/cuskingdombuilders/details.asp?id=23260&PID=74248&mast= for more information).
All in all, the Haworth family is doing great! We feel your prayers and see their results! Things are going well at church (had a record crowd on Easter!), Cyndy's work is going great, and we are being knit together as a family. We are blessed!
Keep those prayers going!